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Saturday, January 22, 2011

What is Twitter - How can I use it?

What is Twitter? - Explania

Hi Everyone,
Jennifer ( my Twitter mentor) has taken me on a crash course in Twitter this week.
I am definitely hooked but need to find a way to keep it manageable.
I have a busy online life as it is!
I have decided to use Twitter to post links, to all the professional reading that I do online, during the week.
If you would like to see what I've been reading all you need to do is join Twitter and look for me under the user ID : Teachersspace
Jennifer has also introduced me to a sensational site called Bitly, which shortens website links. This is a very handy site to have access to, when you have a lot to say and need to say it in 140 characters or less.
I'm already plotting how I might use this tool to encourage reluctant writers with language disorders...?

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