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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Understanding the Parent Perspective : AUTISM IS NOT THE BOSS

Hi Everyone,
If you a teacher who visits this blog, I can't emphasise enough how important it is to understand that parents of students with special or additional needs, need you to understand how the education system looks, from their perspective.

I read loads of parent blogs, every week. They help me to keep my teaching real, relevant and transparent. You will find lots of links to parent blogs, in blogroll section below. You will need to scroll a long way down to find it : - )

Today, while getting a grip on Twitter ( see yesterday's post) I found a blog called 'Autism is Not the Boss' . Please go and read it. The writer is so open and honest about her experiences of raising a child with an autism spectrum disorder, and how she deals with an education system that is evolving, but not always ready to provide what her child needs.

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