Hi Everyone,
It is hard to believe that another year has passed and I am sitting here making plans for the new school year.
I am feeling a bit embarrassed, that I have neglected this blog during the past 12 months. I plan to make amends for this, over the next few weeks before the Australian school year starts again.
2010 was a very busy year. Too busy in fact!
I had three jobs and spent lots of time working on Nings and websites to support those roles. I loved working for the
Positive Partnerships Team, travelling all over Victoria, teaching teachers about inclusive practices for working with students on the autism spectrum.
It was also my first year working for the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, as an autism coach. That involved visiting teachers in mainstream and special education settings 3 days a week; providing support and guidance to meet the needs of specific students in their natural environments. I have a two year contract now, to continue that work, so I must be doing something right!
I did miss having a class of my own last year. I will be in the same position this year. However, in my 2 day a week role at
Belvoir Special School, this year, I will be able to get back into the classroom again and work with some sensational kids, with a wide range of learning strengths and challenges. I am so much looking forward to that!
I am trying hard to get my work life balance in order. It has been an ongoing issue with me. Every year it tops my New Year's resolution list and I am making some headway. It is a small steps process for me though.
Thanks to all of those people who visited my blog in 2010. There were over 96 000 of you. I really appreciate you sticking with me . Many thanks to all of the parents, therapists and teachers, who have kept me informed and 'real' in the way that I view 'differbility' and inclusive practice. I love reading your blogs, so please keep writing them.
Have safe a sensational New Year : - D