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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Toilet Training Support for Students with ASD & ID

Hi Everyone,
The Act - Now (Autism Consultation & Training Now) website is a great place to go to find evidence based information on how to teach children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) .
I have just been chatting to a colleague about how to toilet train a student with ASD and co-morbid intellectual disability (ID). The ACT- Now site has a terrific fact sheet download on the topic, that I have found to be very useful to refer to when working with children in my own practice.
Another very useful resource is the booklet '1 Step at a Time - A parents guide to toilet skills for children with special needs. This resource has been produced by the Victorian Continence Resource Centre and can be downloaded from their site.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thinking in Pictures - Temple Grandin

Hi Everyone,

Last week I read Temple Grandin's book 'Thinking in Pictures -And Other Reports from My Life with Autism. Today I found a video that sums up the book beautifully if you are a non reader. Just brilliant!
Enjoy :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Freaks, Geeks and Aspergers Syndrome - Luke Jackson

Hi Everyone,

I have spent the past 2 days reading Freaks, Geeks and Aperger Syndrome- A User's Guide to Adolescence by Luke Jackson. It is a sensitive , intelligent and witty first hand account of what it is like to navigate through the world with an Aspergers mind.

It will be on my highly recommended list of books for parents to give to their children with Aspergers Syndrome and it would be a fantastic addition to a Middle Years College reading list.

The Teacher's TV video above follows up on Luke and his family three years after the book was written. I was saddened to see that due to bullying and the lack of understanding of teachers, Luke was not able to remain in the mainstream school system which makes me all the more determined to be part of the solution to that problem !

Click on the book cover to find a world wide link to purchase the book.

Universal Design for Learning

A is for Autism F is for Friend - Video