Linking Special Education and the Main Stream World
Welcome to Teacher Space. Scroll down the right margin to discover hundreds of quality, teaching and learning links for mainstream and special education teachers.
Hi Everyone, It's a week for great tips. My colleague Jessie, sent me the link to this terrific life skill focused website, for Early Years and younger students with an intellectual disability. I have had a lovely time playing ( whoops - learning) on this site this afternoon. Thanks, Jesse : - )
My friend, Angela put me on to this fantastic website today. It's a cooking site! Move over Master Chef - here comes the 'Cooking Engineers'! I know that I will use this site regularly with older students I work with. The recipes are beautifully, visually represented with photographs and presented in a step by step, easy to read manner. Check out that egg! All of the images on this site are like that!
Click on the printer friendly version for a visually, clutter free look.
This one of my all time favourite Webinars. I regularly use snippets of it, when speaking to groups of teachers about inclusive educational practices and how to work with students with challenging behaviours, learning difficulties and disabilities.It helps teachers to understand, that many of the behaviours seen in children deemed as 'weak choices' are actually unconscious reactive brain activity.
It saddens me that so many students have been labelled as being 'weak in character' when the problem is neurologically based and the solution is about changing the environments in which they are struggling to learn.
This webinar has the power to change the practices of even the most rigid thinking teachers. Of course, first you have to convince them that it is worth while spending an hour of their time to watch it : - )
If you have enjoyed this video, you may like to check out the Edutopia Channel at Youtube. Visit the Edutopia website for a full range of multimedia resources and the support materials to all of their webinars.
I am a teaching and learning Coach in schools, working alongside teachers with students on the autism spectrum. Over the past 30 years we have moved from a system that favoured institutionalising people on the spectrum, to including all people with a disability in mainstream life. I think that is amazing! Not all of the teachers I work with agree with me. My 18 year old son, a veteran of dinner table conversations regarding the frustrations of my day, sent me a link to this fantastic video which made me laugh and motivated me to keep forging ahead. Thanks so much to every first follower in every school I have ever visited.