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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome - Newsons Syndrome

I have been getting lots of email requests for information about Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome, otherwise known as Newsons Syndrome.

Here is how the PDA Contact Group explain the condition.

'Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome is a pervasive developmental disorder related to, but significantly different from, autism and Asperger syndrome. First identified as a separate syndrome at the University of Nottingham, research has continued at the Elizabeth Newson Centre. Children with PDA would previously have been diagnosed as having 'non-typical autism/Asperger' or 'pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified'; but it is important to diagnose them separately since they do not respond well to the educational and treatment methods that are helpful with autistic and Asperger children, and since appropriate guidelines for education and handling have been produced by the Elizabeth Newson Centre specifically for children with PDA.'

If you would like more information about PDA, follow the hyperlinks or click on the picture to visit the PDA Contact Group website.


  1. For video information about PDA try this link


  2. Thanks,
    it's a great resource : - )

  3. There is useful information about PDA on the NAS website www.autism.org.uk.
    Also if you link to the PDA contact group forum from the website then you can find information leaflets for parents and teachers which can be downloaded. There is also a "professional" area of the forum, which can only be viewed by other professionals. Another useful site relating to PDA and autism/ Asperger syndrome is www.askbruno.org - you can find on there a "PDA mind map" which is really useful to guide you on things to consider when working with a student who has PDA.


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