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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tourette Syndrome- Sensational 3 Part Video Series & Evidence Based Resources

Click here for Part 2
Click here for Part 3

Hi Everyone,

Check out his fantastic, 39 minute podcast, which does a sensational job of demystifying Tourette Syndrome, on the Tourette Syndrome Association Australia website.
The site provides a flash and windows based podcast platform, if you wold rather not view the series on Youtube.

I will definitely share this resource in school newsletters and during staff meetings, to educate communities, living and learning with people with Tourette's.
This site is a fabulous resource for family members coming to terms with a new diagnosis.

Below is a 30 second commercial, made by the Tourette Syndrome Association Australia, which shows what it is like to experience tics from the person with Tourette's point of view. I hope it encourages you to spend the next 39 minutes watching the 3 part series.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Community of Practice - Autism

Hi Everyone,

Over the past six months I have had the great plasure of being part of a team developing a Community of Practice (CoP) for Autism in the regional city of Wangaratta, in Victoria, Australia.
We have finally got to the stage of setting up an online forum, to meet the need of the local community - The Wangaratta Autism Community of Practice Blog. I had forgotton how much I enjoy putting a new blog together. We have also set up a Twitter Account with the same name.
I am wondering if there are any other CoP's for Autism out there that would like to share their learning with us. If so, I would love to hear from you.

Universal Design for Learning

A is for Autism F is for Friend - Video