Linking Special Education and the Main Stream World
Welcome to Teacher Space. Scroll down the right margin to discover hundreds of quality, teaching and learning links for mainstream and special education teachers.
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Many thanks to Angela, for showing me this terrific site for making visual supports for home and school. This program imports pictures from your computer straight into the frames. it is very useful for children who may not be ready to use symbols such as Boardmaker, but respond well to photographs.
Click on the links to explore the site for yourself.
Click on this link to read or listen to information about dyslexia.
People with dyslexia - more often referred to as a specific learning difficulty (SLD) - have difficulties with reading, language and words for no apparent reason. Common problem areas include spelling, comprehension, reading and identification of words. Dyslexia isn't a symptom of low intelligence.
My son started university this month. He has battled with dysgraphia throughout his schooling. The university he is attending ( RMIT Melbourne Campus) has been sensational in providing him with the supports and accommodations he needs to do well. This month I am going to focus my professional reading on the 'dyses' - dyslexia and dysgraphia. I found this great video about famous people with dyslexia, on the Pedia Staff website this morning.
I am going to use it as a conversation starter for professional development training sessions for teachers and to encourage the kids with dyslexia, that I work with.
You can follow my professional reading via Twitter @teachersspace, about a range of special education topics. Check out the Twitter embed in the right margin to see what I have been reading about lately : - )